York Nativity Play 2018

One of the endearing events that the restoration and rejuvenation of St Mary’s will aid will be the Annual York Nativity Play that occurs on four nights in December of each year. Now in it’s 62 year, this play Read more
Public Sessions – Nov 4th 2018

Two public sessions are to be held at the church on November 4th 2018 when the 3 options for new space, toilets and servery will be revealed. You will be able to ask question of the Project team and leave any feedback.
York Nativity Play 2017

Aldermaston’s York Nativity Play moves into its 7th decade!
Back for its 61st consecutive year is Aldermaston’s York Nativity Play. A landmark in the annual calendar of the church, the people of Aldermaston and the surrounding area.
Tickets Read more
2017 Heritage Open day

2017 Heritage Open Day
This is an annual opportunity to take time and look around this beautiful church. The church will be open between 10am and 5pm with a service between 10:45 and 12:00.
York Nativity Play 2016 – 60th Year

Aldermaston’s York Nativity Play for the 60th consecutive year.
Aldermaston’s York Nativity Play is a wonderful way to start the festive season – a glimpse of the past devoid of commercialism.
The atmosphere generated by the play comes Read more
York Nativity Play 2015 – 59th year

Aldermaston’s York Nativity Play for the 59th consecutive year.
The York Nativity Play was created in 1957 for Aldermaston by local resident and teacher, Pat Eastop. The play is the collation and adaptation by E. Martin Browne Read more
2015 Heritage Open Day

Battle of Loos Commemoration – 25th Sept 11:00am

Church Service to dedicate a new plaque in the church to commemorate those men from Aldermaston, previously unknown, who fell at the Battle of Loos, Belgium at the end of September 1915.