August 2014 Parish Magazine

Project St Mary’s

Project Name and Publicity

We are pleased to announce the winning suggestion for the project to restore and rejuvenate St Mary’s Church Aldermaston. As you can see above we have decided to use Project St Mary’s. Many thanks to all who entered the competition. We are now looking at incorporating this into a logo and using it for a project website and other publicity media. Recently Reverend Becky and Ian Cave met up at St Mary’s with the editor of a Thames Valley monthly news magazine called Xn. Here they were able to explain the details of the project which will be included in the next edition (of the Parish Magazine). A number of photographs were taken and the interviews with Becky and Ian were even recorded on video!

Project Progress

The project team has approached a number of experts in church restoration and buildings. For example we need to obtain a Topographical Survey of the area around the church where the new building is proposed to be built; this will give us an accurate plan that we can use in subsequent phases of the project and we hope to get this completed during July. We have been advised by English Heritage that we will need thorough details of the number, location and type of graves in the area. Hence we have engaged a grave digger who will be able to
provide that information from above ground.

Fund Raising

Thanks to all those that contributed at the recent Red Garden Party and at other times. We are progressing well towards our target to fund the Initial Planning and Approvals stage but we still need about E6000 more. As a reminder, donations can be made via ‘Find Me a Grant’ which means any donation you make will be matched by a local charitable funding.

Type Find me a Grant into your internet search engine and when you access the site select `Live Application’. Then type Aldermaston Church into the search box. Our bid will appear and you can read all about what we are trying to do and make a clon.ation. Please note you can opt to be anonymous if you wish. For those not on the Internet, please send donations c/o Revd Becky Bevan at The Rectory, Wasing Lane, Aldermaston, RG7 4LX. Find Me A Grant link

Thank you for your support

Ian Cave, Chair of Project St. Mary’s